Image Usando a API do Scribus fizemos um script a que chamamos Espaçamentos Implícitos.

O script começa por retirar todos os espaços no texto. A seguir, modifica a cor de cada letra de forma a criar um gradiente numa palavra. A regra para criar este gradiente é, à medida que a palavra chega ao seu final, a cor de cada letra fica progressivamente mais clara.

from scribus import *

# change values here
font = "Bevan Regular"
fontsize = 10
linespacing = 11
defineColor("PunctColor", 0, 255, 255, 70)
defineColor("TextColor", 200, 100, 0, 50)
punct_chars = ".,?!\""

# open the text we'll use
txt = open('/home/rlafuente/proj/lgru/space/lovelikesalt.txt', 'r').read()
txt = txt.replace('\n', ' ')
# create text box
textbox_name = createText(0, 0, 595, 840, "Text1")
setText(txt, textbox_name)

# set up textbox attributes
setFont(font, textbox_name)
setFontSize(fontsize, textbox_name)
setLineSpacing(linespacing, textbox_name)
setTextColor("TextColor", textbox_name)

def allindices(string, sub, listindex=None, offset=0):
    # find all indices of a specific string
    if not listindex:
        listindex = []
    i = string.find(sub, offset)
    while i >= 0:
        i = string.find(sub, i + 1)
    return listindex

# get positions for all space characters
txt = getAllText(textbox_name)
spaceindexes = allindices(txt, " ")
print spaceindexes
# likewise for punctuation
punctindexes = []
for char in punct_chars: 
    idxs = allindices(txt, char)
    punctindexes.extend(allindices(txt, char))


shade = 100
for i in range(1, len(txt)):
    if i in spaceindexes:
        # space
        shade = 100
    elif i in punctindexes:
        # punctuation
        selectText(i, 1)
        # not space
        if shade < 20:
            shade = 20
        selectText(i, 1)
        shade -= 20

# now delete all spaces
for i in spaceindexes:
    selectText(i, 1, textbox_name)